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Zaky Machmuddah
Nila Tristiarini
Yohan Wismantoro


Empowering village women to improve the family economy is one solution to the problem of high levels of poverty and high levels of unemployment, and at the same time used as the goal of community service activities by the Dian Nuswantoro University Community Service Team Semarang. Activities carried out to provide solutions to these problems by carrying out counseling, training and mentoring. Counseling was given to the people of Batu and Wonokerto Demak villages, especially women regarding community service activities, the purpose of community service activities, and creating clusters of community interest. The second activity is training, carried out by providing training in the form of opening an entrepreneurial mindset for training participants, providing material and motivating about entrepreneurship. and provide materials related to products and marketing. The last activity is in the form of mentoring, which is carried out by including the cluster in the expo activity. This community service activity has a positive impact on women in Batu and Wonokerto Demak villages in entrepreneurship to improve the family economy.

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Author Biographies

Zaky Machmuddah, Dian Nuswantoro University

Accounting Department

Nila Tristiarini, Dian Nuswantoro University

Accounting Department

Yohan Wismantoro, Dian Nuswantoro University

Management Department